Effect of Parental Attitudes on Peer Relationships in Children Between the Ages of 5-6
5-6 Yaş Çocuklarda Ebeveyn Tutumlarının Akran İlişkilerine Etkisi

This research is a cross-sectional type research conducted in order to examine the effect of parental attitudes on peer relationships in children aged 5-6 years who are studying in preschool institutions. The research was conducted in 8 pre-school education institutions in the Nicosia, Kyrenia and Famagusta districts of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) between February and May 2019, with the participation of 263 families and 25 teachers.The child's parents filled the "Parental Attitude Scale" and "Introductory Information Form", while teachers filled the "Selcuk Peer Relations Evaluation Scale so that it is separate for each child by meeting face-to-face. The study examined factors that could affect parental behavior. There were differences in behavior for children in public and private preschool institutions. The mean of aggression of the children involved in the study (25.82); timidity (22.94), social acceptance (17.27), problem solving (17.69) and social behavior (23.81). Parents reported that they had a democratic attitude at 4.45 percent. The parent's authoritarian attitude was found to have a negative effect on the child's peer acceptance(p.05). But democratic and permitting parental attitudes did not differ markedly in the child's behavior.It was also found that the parent’s authoritarian attitudes had negative effects on the child’s peer acceptance.
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