The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital on the Relationship Between Perceived Influence Tactics and Employee Performance: A Research on Tourism Industry

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employee performance, psychological capital, influence tactics, accommodation businesses


In modern world of rising value on human and knowledge, flow of research conduction on intra-organizational communication and interaction is increasing in the field of organizational behavior as well as in other disciplines. Despite of the current studies in the literature, no study was found in which three variables related to the research topic were discussed together, and by this research it is aimed to enrich the literature on this issue and to provide guidance to managers on developing correct behavior to increase the performance of employees. In this research, it has been attempted to illustrate the amount of influence on the perception of influence tactics utilized by managers in scope of the mediating role of psychological capital. The survey had been done with the accommodation businesses operating in tourism industry due to them being service business and intensely focused on intra-personal interactions. In accordance, the sampling of this study is composed of employees from 4 and 5 star hotels located in Antalya, Turkey. Research data obtained by questionnaire forms were tested by structural equality model analysis. Firstly, conducting this research, the impact of influence tactics utilized by managers on employee performances had been analyzed by using structral equality model, followed by introducing the psychological capital to the analysis, it had been attempted to determine the mediating role of psychological capital on the relationship between influence tactics and employee performances. As a  result of this research, it was determined that influence tactics of managers have positive impact on the employee performances. Furthermore, the psychological capital of employees working in hotels have a partial mediating role on the relationship between the perception of influence tactics and work performance of participants. Ultimately, considering the research findings, a variety of recommendations have been made for researchers and hotel businesses.


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How to Cite

Çalı, S., & İRAZ, R. (2022). ALGILANAN ETKİLEME TAKTİKLERİNİN ÇALIŞAN PERFORMANSI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİNDE PSİKOLOJİK SERMAYENİN ARACI ROLÜ: TURİZM SEKTÖRÜNDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital on the Relationship Between Perceived Influence Tactics and Employee Performance: A Research on Tourism Industry. Scientific and Academic Research, 1(1), 26–37. Retrieved from