Orta ve Büyük Ölçekli Tekstil İşletmelerinin DNA Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Kahramanmaraş İli Uygulaması
A Research On Dna Structure Of Medıum And Large Scale Textıle Busınesses: Kahramanmaraş Provınce Applıcatıon
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The rapidly changing competitive approach for businesses makes it very difficult to survive in the business world. The structures of businesses are a necessary ability to make and produce auxiliary tools and equipment for people's needs. Improvements in structural capabilities' decision- making/implementation abilities are making themselves felt in all areas of the market. The common denominators of all businesses in the world are the most important indicators of the ability to make quick decisions and implement them, and they have increased the speed of access to information in many areas globally. Nowadays, while the desired information can be accessed in a second with a click of a button, and the export-import volume increases exponentially between countries that are thousands of kilometers away, businesses have to make quick decisions and implement them. In human life, the genetic code is considered a set of rules that enable the information encoded (in Dna sequences) to be translated into proteins (amino acid sequences) by living cells. According to this view, when businesses are considered as a living structure, decision-making mechanisms at the point of management reveal themselves at every stage, with positive and dizzying effects on managers. The effects of the discipline in the decision-making processes of Medium and Large-Scale Enterprises on the decision-making mechanisms at the year level in changing market rates of Textile management have been researched. This research aims to reveal the long-term growth rates of businesses. For this purpose, the application area of decision-making indicators was selected as the main mass of medium and large-scale textile enterprises operating in Kahramanmaraş province. A survey was conducted on 200 employees in different categories consisting of managers, engineers and technical masters who undertake leading roles in factory production.
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