Analysis of Turkey's Foreign Trade in the Last Five Years by Country Groups

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  • YAŞAR AYŞEGÜL OĞUZ Selçuk Üniversitesi


Foreign Trade, Imports, Exports


Within the scope of the research, Turkey's import and export figures for the last five years between 2019-2023 were analysed on the basis of country groups. In line with the findings obtained, it was determined that there was a significant increase in imports in the context of other countries between 2020-2022, but this increase started to return to its normal level by 2023. At the same time, it is noteworthy that Turkey procured the goods it needed from other countries instead of the European Union countries during this period. It was also found that Turkey's exports increased especially in 2021. It can be said that 2021 exports were in Turkey's favour.


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How to Cite

OĞUZ, Y. A. (2024). Analysis of Turkey’s Foreign Trade in the Last Five Years by Country Groups. Scientific and Academic Research, 3(2), 281–290. Retrieved from



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