The Effect of The Use of Subjective Norms in Advertising On Purchase Intention

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  • AYŞE SARITAŞ Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi


Advertising, as a marketing communication activity, can be considered as a means of persuading the consumer about the product and service by understanding the dynamics, insights, needs and expectations of the consumer. At this point, whether advertising affects the consumer's purchase intention, decision and behavior is among the issues that advertisers, clients and academics are curious about and often focus on. In order to increase the effect of the advertisement on the consumer, different appealing elements and different creative strategies are used. In this study, based on the theory of planned behavior, it was investigated whether the advertisements containing subjective norms (within the framework of friendship and expert opinions that are effective in the formation of specific norms) used as an appealing element affecting the consumer's purchasing decision have an effect on the consumer's purchase intention. The research aims to reveal whether advertisements containing subjective norms have an effect on the purchase intention of two different age groups. The research method used was the face-to-face structured interview technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods that is thought to be the method that can best capture consumer insight. Using the purposeful sampling method, the sample was determined as students between the ages of 18-24 and adults over the age of 30 as academicians. The research data was analyzed using the content analysis method.  According to the results of the research, the use of subjective norms in advertising does not have a positive effect on purchasing behavior, however, consumers prefer to see advertising with friendship themes, which they consider sincerer, to advertisements with an expert approach.


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How to Cite

SARITAŞ, A. (2024). The Effect of The Use of Subjective Norms in Advertising On Purchase Intention. Scientific and Academic Research, 3(2), 241–253. Retrieved from